I thought I would share with you today a some information regarding the proper care of the eye area.
The area surrounding the eyes requires proper attention and specially formulated products. Many ladies will use whatever cream they use for the face (day cream, night cream etc) also on the eye area. DON’T DO IT. The skin surrounding the eye area is much thinner and thus much more delicate than the skin on the rest of our face. Using a regular cream that is not specifically formulated for the eye are ends up clogging the pores of the skin around the eyes, since these are usually thicker preparations, and also may contain ingredients that are too harsh and not appropriate for use around the eyes.The skin surrounding the eye area is perhaps the one place where the symptoms of aging become first and most easily visible (crows feet), and since it is thin and delicate is also easily susceptible to damage.
What are the benefits of Eye Products?