Wednesday, February 13, 2013

For Your Beautiful Eyes Only!

Hello ladies!

I thought I would share with you today a some information regarding the proper care of the eye area.
The area surrounding the eyes requires proper attention and specially formulated products. Many ladies will use whatever cream they use for the face (day cream, night cream etc) also on the eye area. DON’T DO IT. The skin surrounding the eye area is much thinner and thus much more delicate than the skin on the rest of our face. Using a regular cream that is not specifically formulated for the eye are ends up clogging the pores of the skin around the eyes, since these are usually thicker preparations, and also may contain ingredients that are too harsh and not appropriate for use around the eyes.

The skin surrounding the eye area is perhaps the one place where the symptoms of aging become first and most easily visible (crows feet), and since it is thin and delicate is also easily susceptible to damage. 

What are the benefits of Eye Products?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Body Fitness Part 4: The Neglected Back

Ok..Ok…I have delayed part 4 of our Body Fitness articles a little bit, and many of you have been sending me emails about it.  I promise the next parts will follow soon. I am very happy though to see that several of you are following these posts.

So….Here we go with the 4th installment of our Body Fitness articles.

Today we will continue our daily exercise program with some very important but often neglected exercises for the back.
Our back consists of a complex of several muscles.  While our back is theoretically very strong it is at the same time very sensitive as well.

The vertebral column, our spine, which supports the muscles on our back, is already working very hard.  Our sedentary lifestyles and lack of exercise place extra burdens on our back muscles, therefore it is very important to strengthen them with appropriate exercises.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It is time for Peeling! And I don’t mean chemical peeling.

I know that most, if not all of you, try your best to take care of your skin using day creams, night creams, eye creams, and even the occasional mask and serum or ampoules. How many of you though, take the time to include in your skin care routine the necessary peeling that should be done once a week.

Why is Peeling/Scrubbing important?

It helps our constant struggle against aging. Now this should be a good enough reason to include it in our skin care routine.

Scrubbing removes dead skin cells so that your skin can “breath” . In addition, the process of scrubbing stimulates the blood and lymph flow which has a direct effect on cell regeneration.

Imagine how much more effective the various creams and masks you use on your skin would be, if you skin is clean of all the dead skin cells, and thus able to absorb better and faster those nourishing cream preparations you present it with.

When to use scrub or peeling?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Expression Wrinkles

Perhaps the most asked skin care question I get from my clients and of greatest concern to most women is about wrinkles, and in particular wrinkles caused by facial expressions.  

Expression Wrinkles?

Can you imagine if every time we laughed, frowned, cried, or got angry, we would stop to think about the wrinkles they are causing? 
Expression wrinkles are those lines that appear on our skin and are caused by the contractions of the muscles.  These include the radial lines that appear on the side of our eyes when we laugh or cry, - better known as "crow's feet", also the vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows when we frown,  the vertical wrinkles on the upper lip which are usually more prominent in persons that smoke – whence also known as "smoker's wrinkles", and the wrinkles that start from the two sides of the nose and ends at the sides of the lips.   All these wrinkles become increasingly more visible as times goes by and we gracefully age.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

Body Fitness Part 3: Chest exercises for the Perfect Breast

OK ladies, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! 
Just a few words before we get started.

The exercise program we will follow should be balanced and have a natural flow to it so that all muscle groups will receive the appropriate exercise. Furthermore, it will allow us to place emphasis in the areas that do require more attention.

The main purpose of our workout is to cause such biological adaptations as to improve our body.  The daily exercise program should combine energizing exercises along with stretching exercises.  The purpose of this is to restore the muscles to their original diameter, and allow the muscles to excrete the lactic acid that is generated during exercise.

Now…The key to success in anything we do in life is patience and perseverance.  The same is true for our exercise program.  No matter how great and carefully chosen the exercises are, unless we stick to it, and follow the program on a regular basis we will not achieve the desired effect we expect.