Monday, May 11, 2015

3 Simple Steps for Dry Skin Care

Does your skin feel itchy or does your skin flake?  Well …today let me share with you some tips to avoid this issue and keep your skin soft and supple.

Dry, itchy skin is no joke. Because skin is the body's largest organ (weighing about nine pounds), the frustration and discomfort that go along with dehydration can affect your daily existence, from your wardrobe to your social life. And if you happen to have a skin condition like eczema, you know from experience that flaky skin is no laughing matter.

Use the Correct Peeling Product

We all know the benefits of peeling (exfoliation).  This is more true for persons with dry skin since it aids in removing the dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin, and prevent the beneficial moisturizing products from penetrating deep into the skin.    

If happen to have normal or combination skin, then you have several options for peelings, such as peelings with small granules such as Apricot Peeling or HoneyPeeling (containing jojoba spheres for extra moisturizing). On the other hand, if your skin is sensitive (or even acne prone) choose a cream like peeling suchas the Peeling Cream which will work equally well, but will not irritate your skin

In either case however, peeling should only be done once a week or every 10 days., since frequent use it can lead to skin irritation.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Youthful Skin In 5 Easy Steps

Hello again! 
 Is it really possible to keep our skin young looking? Well...the answer is Yes it is possible to keep our skin youthful looking and radiant  as time moves on.  The way to achieve it is by using anti-aging products that are right for our skin, in combination with professional treatments from competent beauty professionals.  This way, fine lines, wrinkles, and damage caused by the sun can be kept at bay for a longer time.
By not providing adequate protection for our skin, we allow the fine lines and wrinkles to make their appearance,  and brown spots begin to show which along with and rough skin areas caused by the exposure of the skin to the sun, start to give clues about our age.

As we age, the skin itself is not producing as much collagen, and definitely the level of hyaluronic acid production is diminishing.  Furthermore, dead skin cells are accumulating  at a faster rate, and do not invisibly fall off as previously.   It is natural of course that as our skin is subjected to the environmental elements, it is more likely to show aging signs. 

Here are the 5 important  (and easy) steps we should take to not only prevent, but also to start reversing the signs of aging.  

Thursday, March 5, 2015

What is pH?

Many of us have heard about  pH, but do you know exactly what is it?  I often get this question from my clients.  So… let’s see what pH is all about.

The abbreviation pH is derived from “Power of  Hydrogen”.  PH is an "index" showing us how acidic or alkaline a solution is.  So for instance if a solution has an "equal" amount of acidic and alkaline molecules, then its pH is considered neutral.

Now, you are probably wondering what is acidic and what is alkaline...

Acidic is just what the name implies.. acid, while alkaline is the opposite:  if we place alkaline into acid, the acid loses its harmful properties (eg does not  "burn" the skin)

For example, water is neutral: it has the same amount of both. If we were to remove the alkalis, it would become acidic.  On the other hand large concentrations of alkaline solutions (such as ammonia) are harmful as well. Only those solutions that are close to neutral are safe.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

New Year’s resolutions for your skin

Happy New Year!  The new year brings us the opportunity to do away with all those bad skin care habits and reconsider our skin care routine.

Sun Protection is a Priority

Using sun protection on a daily basis all year round is not only essential to prevent sun damage, wrinkles and sun spots, but it is an important step in preventing skin cancer.  Over the course of time, the sun can impose significant hardships and damage to your skin, so it is important to use quality sun care products to protect from the skin from the damage caused by UVA/UVB rays.  

Exfoliation for glowing Skin

Regardless of your skin type, exfoliating  should be a very important step in your skin care routine.  The reason is that as we get older, our skin is not as efficient is disposing of dead skin cells and regenerating new ones.  The result is that dead skin cells start accumulating on the surface of the skin, clogging the pores and results in excess oil production. This leads to dull looking, rough and dry skin.  In addition the excess oil can lead to blemishes and acne.