Sunday, January 27, 2013

Exfoliation is not just for the face

Many of my clients take absolutely wonderful care of their face, doing  all the right things including  weekly or bi-weekly exfoliation.  However, most of them forget that the skin on their body requires the same attention and love.

Even if they do use some moisturizing products or cellulite/slimming products to care for their body, they still leave out one important step in body beauty care.  Exfoliation!
Let me share with you some reasons why incorporating  exfoliation in your body care routine once or twice a week, is so beneficial for the skin:
  • First and foremost, body exfoliation eliminates all impurities and dead cells which suffocate the skin, leaving it instantly softer and incredibly smooth.
  • Exfoliation also encourages cell renewal and makes the skin more firm and noticeably more resilient and resistant to outside harmful elements. 
  • If you carry out hair removal, exfoliation it prevents ingrown hairs and makes hair removal easier.
  • Finally, it leaves the skin more receptive to skin care products applied after exfoliation.  Remember, if the pores are clogged and the skin cannot “breath” , it will not be able to absorb all those wonderful creams and moisturizers we apply to it?
So go ahead and exfoliate, the benefits to your skin are too many to be ignored.

Until next time… beautiful!


  1. Hi and congratulations on your blog! Excellent information. I agree with you, that we tend to forget to take good care of our whole body and not just the skin on our face. keep up the good work!
