Thursday, January 31, 2013

Body Fitness Part 2: Changeable Variables

Ok…here we go with the second installment of our articles which aims to show you that a better body is not as impossible as it seems, even for those of you who may have never worked out before.  What is important though is that YOU believe that you can do it.

So let us see what are those things that we CAN change about our body.

Your normal weight depends first of all on YOU (your dietary habits),  and then on your bone structure/ body type.  It is of course ideal to a have a normal and stable weight.  No one person is classified entirely on one body type. We usually have the dominant body type which combines certain features of a second type.  Recognizing which category you fall in, will enable you to better organize your workout program  for better results as far as weight reduction is concerned.  Always in combination of course with a good healthy diet.

Body proportions

As I mentioned, the general appearance of your body is determined by your body type, from the physiology of the muscular system to the overall distribution of fat on your body. The more sleek your body is, the closer you will be to the desired proportions that you will set as your goal.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's Your Type? Sensitive

Hello again! 

Lets continue our talk about the different skin types, and talk a little about…..

Sensitive Skin  

Based on my personal experience with my clients, I am of the opinion that although in most cases sensitive skin is based on genetics,  there is a good portion of women that have sensitive skin, because they cause it themselves, by not taking proper care of their skin.   Now before you start sending me a ton of emails for saying this…let me explain myself.

Although in general our skin is resilient and is capable to quickly regain its form, it will react in a negative way with prolonged exposure to the strong sun, and the  pollutants that are so abundant around us every day. You need to remember, then, that your skin is also thin and delicate, and must provide it the proper care accordingly.

The sensitive and hypersensitive skins are typically found on blondes and redheads.

Body Fitness Part 1: Evaluate Your Body

I know you are anxious to get started but before we get into it, you need to evaluate your body, identify the “defects” and evaluate the improvement margins.

Fitness could be described as the cornerstone for beauty and health. The benefits of being physically fit are immediately reflected in both our outer appearance as well as our psychological mood. Good looks, a sense of confidence, a state of well-being and vitality are all reflected on our face and body as a result of being physically fit.

Our aim is to improve the overall appearance of the body by setting goals within the normal limits that nature allows.  There is certainly room for improvement present, as each body type meets it’s own proportions, determined by the rules of physical harmony. 

After you objectively evaluate your body, you must identify goals that you can implement, and adjust your workout accordingly.

For a Better Body

Hello to all! Today I will begin a rather big task in terms of preparing and blogging my next article series.  This of course will be done in conjunction with blogging other sections for face and body care.

I will start a series of articles whose aim is to show you that being fit, and making the most of your physical assets is not as impossible as it seems, even for those of you who may have never worked out before.  There is one prerequisite though….YOU have to believe that you can do it.

You will set your own goals that will serve as guidelines, and with a little confidence on your part you will be able to achieve it.

As my background is also in physical education, I am happy to share with you some information as to what we can do to make the most of what nature has blessed us with.

So are you ready to get started? Start with the Body Fitness articles that will be posted in 6 or 7 parts

Monday, January 28, 2013

Regular Soap: Friend or Enemy to the Skin?

A reader sent me a question today,  whether using regular soap for daily cleansing of the face is ok.

Hmm………I personally always advice my clients never EVER to use a regular bar of soap for the daily cleansing of their face.  The reason is that soap tends to dry the skin out, and usually regular bars of soap do not offer any additional benefits to the skin.  Again, this is my own personal opinion and what I tell my clients.

Having said that, the only time I would give in and feel a little comfortable with a client using soap is in cases of clients with acne.  In such cases, it may also used for cleansing of the back where acne can also be present.    Nonetheless, I would still recommend special cleansing products that are specifically for acne/problematic or oily skin.

If you do have to use soap (either regular bar or in liquid form) do so by first creating a rich lather on your wet skin, and then rinse thoroughly and carefully using plenty of tepid water.

DON’T’ use it to clean the area around the eyes! The skin in this area is very fine and sensitive, and special eye cleansing products should be used.

Needless to say that an appropriate tonic lotion should be used afterwards in order to remove any residues, and most importantly to balance the ph balance of the skin.

Please do send me any and all your questions…I promise that I will answer you as promptly as possible.

Until the next post….Be Beautiful!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Exfoliation is not just for the face

Many of my clients take absolutely wonderful care of their face, doing  all the right things including  weekly or bi-weekly exfoliation.  However, most of them forget that the skin on their body requires the same attention and love.

Even if they do use some moisturizing products or cellulite/slimming products to care for their body, they still leave out one important step in body beauty care.  Exfoliation!
Let me share with you some reasons why incorporating  exfoliation in your body care routine once or twice a week, is so beneficial for the skin:
  • First and foremost, body exfoliation eliminates all impurities and dead cells which suffocate the skin, leaving it instantly softer and incredibly smooth.
  • Exfoliation also encourages cell renewal and makes the skin more firm and noticeably more resilient and resistant to outside harmful elements. 
  • If you carry out hair removal, exfoliation it prevents ingrown hairs and makes hair removal easier.
  • Finally, it leaves the skin more receptive to skin care products applied after exfoliation.  Remember, if the pores are clogged and the skin cannot “breath” , it will not be able to absorb all those wonderful creams and moisturizers we apply to it?
So go ahead and exfoliate, the benefits to your skin are too many to be ignored.

Until next time… beautiful!

What's Your Type? Oily / Problematic Skin

A lot of the questions I get on a regular basis, is people asking me to determine their skin type, and recommend to them ways that they can utilize to take good daily care of their skin.  

For this reason,  I would like to start a series of posts dealing with the various skin types, and the ways and means that can be used to take care of particular skin types and problems that can arise.

I thought I would start first with………..

Oily / Problematic Skin

In general oily skin, even though more flexible and elastic, tends to be more shiny combined with enlarged pores.  Most often it is also likely that is susceptible to blackheads and skin discoloration or spots.  Finally, oily and problematic skins are more prone to acne.

Oily skin usually feels greasy to the touch,  and this can often be the case even a short time after you have thoroughly washed and cleansed your face. 

In addition, make-up application can be a real struggle and can “slide  off”  easily if it is not properly applied.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

What is it with Hyaluronic Acid?

Today I would like to discuss a little bit about the importance of hyaluronic acid in the skin

Have you noticed that the first signs of lines and wrinkles have begun to make their appearance, and that your skin’s texture is becoming uneven and the pores are getting bigger?

The reason for this is the degradation of hyaluronic acid in your skin - a completely natural process.

Hyaluronic acid is found in natural form in the human body and in all living organisms. In the human body is found in large quantities not only in the skin but also in the, eyes, the hair and the gums. It is largely responsible for retaining the moisture, volume and elasticity of our skin.

It is embedded between the network of collagen and elastin fibers in the skin as a filler substance that stabilizes the moisture and the normal inflation of the cells and which assists the proteins and skin elasticity .

Friday, January 25, 2013

Hello everybody!

Here I go starting my very own blog!  I am really excited that I will have the chance to chat with you and share with you my own experiences and know how on anything and everything that has to do with beauty!

I certainly welcome any and all of your questions, and I will try to answer them as thoroughly as possible.

I will be posting short tutorials on everything from the basics of cleansing, how to use peelings, masks, choosing the right creams, serums, and all that stuff that make our lives so much more interesting!

We will be talking about both face and body care, treatments, products, and so much more.

Also, we will not leave out nail care, make-up and color cosmetics. :)  Phew!! I think covered pretty much everything for now. 

While I am preparing my first "real" post, which I will try to have ready in a couple of days, you can start thinking about all those beauty related questions you always wanted to know the answers to but were afraid to ask. (just being funny).  

I will try to post as often as my hectic schedule allows (trying to run two companies plus raising 2 little monsters).    

I am making it no secret that my husband and I manage 2 skin care companies and we are distributors of skin care products, therapies, salon equipment, etc, etc.   As such you will see links and ads related to these websites.  However, the purpose of this blog is to become a venue for you to find answers to some or all of your skin care related questions. And as such, I will answer them for you as best and as honestly as I can.

I will not try to "sell" you on our products specifically (unless of course you see something you like and want more information about it). However,  since the products I work with are also the ones I have personally tried and can give a professional opinion about,  you will see recommended product links in my posts. to you in a couple of days (or sooner). Until then...take care and be beautiful!
