If you are closing on your forties, or perhaps you are already there, it is now time to re-evaluate the care you provide to your skin. Basically, you should now start to incorporate in your daily skin care regime, products with a bit more "robust" active ingredients. These will help your skin to cope with the increasing demands, restore damage that your skin has suffered, and protect it from future hardships.
You've probably
noticed the increasing fine lines around your eyes, mouth and on the
forehead. Perhaps your skin has also lost a little of its brightness
and appears more dehydrated. Well, the good news is that you have
several options at your disposal that will help give your skin the boost
it requires to be more healthy and glowing.
I am sure that, over
the course of the past years, most of you have developed a good skin
care regime, which may include daily cleansing , exfoliating and
moisturizing. However, now is the time to re-evaluate your skin's needs
and adjust the care you provide to it. How much adjustment you need to
make? Well, this depends on how much care you have been providing your
skin thus far.
Increase the Daily Care
of Your Skin
As mentioned earlier,
you will now need to add to the daily care of your skin "robust "
ingredients. Anti-aging, collagen formation boosters such as Matryxil,
Retinol, and of course AHA ( alpha hydroxy acids), which also stimulate
collagen synthesis, help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles resulting in
a more radiant complexion.
In particular, products with AHA do an excellent job for smoothing the and improving
the skin tone, while products with Matryxil significantly increase the
production of collagen and elastin in the skin, as well as the
production of hyaluronic acid.
Retest Your Skin Type
Over time, our skin
is loses collagen and moisture. In addition hyaluronic acid production
falls to about 50%. Because of these factors, our skin type also tends
to change over time - for instance loss of hydration make our skin more
dry. Therefore, even if until now you had a normal skin type, you are
now most likely to need products for dry skin. I highly We recommend
that you consider making a comprehensive skin analysis to determine the
exact needs of your skin. This way you will know exactly what kind of
products you need to buy which will help your skin.
Make-Up Simplified
Unfortunately, as we
age, many women tend to use more make-up to hide imperfections, such as
fine lines, skin discoloration, etc. Doing this has in fact the
opposite effect. As more make-up and powder is used, a cakey complexion
is formed on to the skin, and thin lines may also become more prominent
since make-up enters into the grooves of the wrinkles. Prefer creamy make-up formulas, as the tends not to "sink" into the fine lines, and
helps your skin look more cool and smooth.
What Products do I recommend
There is a great variety of products that you can start using to enhance
your skin care routine. Click on the Hi-2 COSMETICS link to see some products I recommend to my clients.