Thursday, March 5, 2015

What is pH?

Many of us have heard about  pH, but do you know exactly what is it?  I often get this question from my clients.  So… let’s see what pH is all about.

The abbreviation pH is derived from “Power of  Hydrogen”.  PH is an "index" showing us how acidic or alkaline a solution is.  So for instance if a solution has an "equal" amount of acidic and alkaline molecules, then its pH is considered neutral.

Now, you are probably wondering what is acidic and what is alkaline...

Acidic is just what the name implies.. acid, while alkaline is the opposite:  if we place alkaline into acid, the acid loses its harmful properties (eg does not  "burn" the skin)

For example, water is neutral: it has the same amount of both. If we were to remove the alkalis, it would become acidic.  On the other hand large concentrations of alkaline solutions (such as ammonia) are harmful as well. Only those solutions that are close to neutral are safe.